capital gain tax rate

How the CGT Rate Can Affect Your Financial Portfolio

People thinking of investing in or dealing in capital assets need to understand what capital gains tax means. It’s not enough to have capital, you also need knowledge when delving into investments.

Capital gains tax is a fee on the profit that investors make when their investment is sold. This CGT is owed annually at the time the investment is sold. An investor owes long-term capital gains tax when there is profit on investments for a minimum of a year; if it’s less, then it’s short-term capital.

This guide will discuss the capital gains rate, the CGT event and example, how it works, and the impact of the CGT rate on investors.

What is Capital Gains Tax? 

Capital gains tax is a kind of government tax related to gains made in an asset’s value. These assets can include sticks, business sales, home sales, or other valuable belongings. In some countries, profits made from cryptocurrency sales are also considered for CGT.

What are Capital Gains Tax Rates?

The capital rates are different from income tax returns. CGT rates are divided into two categories: basic ratepayers and additional ratepayers. On average, the basic rate on residential property is 20% and 9% on other assets. 

However, the additional CGT rate averages around 28% on properties and 20% on other assets. In most countries, these CGT rates are stable. 

How Does the CGT Rate Work? 

Capital gains tax is not immediately deducted from the revenue, unlike income tax. CGT is self-reported, so it demands some form of honesty. When dealing with CGT, there are numerous fiscal triggers, so it’s vital to know what to report and what not to do. People who refuse to report genuine reports of gains made from investment will face a heavy fine. These penalties are usually higher than the deductions that should have been made.

The Effects of the CGT Rate on Financial Portfolio

The CGT rate imposed will have some effects on your finances. These effects could be positive or negative, depending on several factors. Here are some of the impacts of the CGT rate:

Low Savings 

Since CGT tends to take a percentage of your profits, you will have limited cash to spend. If the CGT rate in your city is high (some are as high as 40%), it could affect how much spare cash you have. 

 Double Taxation 

In most countries, profits made from properties are taxed by both the federal and state governments. This unfortunately affects your financial portfolio, as you are double-taxed. When the gains are small, it means you have little or no gain from your sales. 

Moreover, stocks, bonds, and some physical investments have been taxed. Now, when you add the capital gains tax, it’s a burden because it means you are taxing people twice. 

Effects on Investments 

With the short- and long-term CGT rates, the capital available for further business investments reduces drastically. While the government will use these taxes for the generality of its populace, it doesn’t favor individuals who need enough capital. 

Tips to Reduce Capital Gains Taxes

While nobody should avoid paying the CGT rate, it’s possible to minimize the CGT rate. Here are some tips to reduce how much you pay in CGT:


If you can, always hold an asset or something valuable longer so you can benefit from the CGT rate. This is because it’s lower than the short-term CGT rate for these assets. There are workable capital gains tax calculators that will show how much savings you could have. 

Use Accounts that Enjoy a Tax Advantage.

There are bank accounts you could use that allow you to enjoy several tax benefits. These accounts include:

  • 529 College Savings Account 
  • 401k Plans
  • Pension Accounts 

When you use these accounts, you won’t have to pay capital gains tax on investments you sell. 

Rebalanced With Dividends

Instead of putting your dividends in the investments you got them for, you should try to rebalance by investing in underperforming investments. What this implies is that you sell securities that are performing well and put money in underperforming stocks. 

Remove Home sales

Before you can exclude home sales from CGT tax, you should have a home, and it must be your main residence for at least 24 months. Also, ensure you don’t exclude any home from the capital gain in the last two years before your main house is sold. If these rules are followed judiciously, you could exclude up to $200,000 in gains from the sale of your house. For married couples with joint ownership, this exclusion could reach up to $500,000. 

How to Calculate the CGT Rate 

Calculating CGT takes time, especially for those with large taxable assets. You can calculate the CGT rate with your calculator or just with a pen or paper.

However, there are reliable capital gains tax calculators online that you can use. These resources also list some deductions, exemptions, and reliefs that might affect the CGT you will pay. You must get the calculation right to avoid stress and possible fines. To avoid some of these fiscal policy issues, get a trustworthy financial adviser who will help analyze:

  • Income
  • Tax Overlaps
  • Stamp duty
  • Inheritance and income tax
  • VAT

This will help you make the necessary contribution to the revenue agency.

When Should CGT be Paid?

The best time to pay capital gains tax is when you sell any taxable assets. Once the funds are received, you should immediately remit them to the appropriate authorities.

Also note that there are certain exemptions that apply, for example, to non-business used cars. Moreover, CGT on second houses should be announced within 60 days of the same.

People who include CGT on their annual tax return should pay before January 31st. However, if there are issues, this could be extended. Ensure you notify the tax agency of any plan for extension to prevent fines.


The CGT rate is a fee that is collected by the government on all assets or valuables sold. This tax is compulsory for everyone who deals in investment and sales; however, there are certain ways to reduce the CGT paid. This article has provided detailed information on the CGT event and  example to show how it is calculated.
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CGT on an Investment Portfolio?

The CGT rate on investments is 11% for average-rate taxpayers. Also, there are 20% additional rates in certain situations.

What are the Capital Gains on Financial Assets?

Capital gains are profits made from asset sales. These assets include real estate and stocks. This happens when the selling price of your valuables exceeds the buying rate.

Are Capital Gains Considered Portfolio Income?

Capital gains aren’t portfolio income because the latter is money received from income, interests, and investments. Capital gains themselves are taxed on profits made from assets sold.