Australian Property Market

The Australian Housing Market Resilience and Recovery

The Australian real estate landscape is showing promising signs of recovery, according to the latest data from CoreLogic’s National Home Value Index. The month of August 2023 has marked a significant milestone, with the index recording its sixth consecutive monthly increase. Let’s delve into the details and understand what this means for investors, homebuyers, and the market at large.

A Positive Upward Trajectory

August 2023 has been a noteworthy month for the Australian housing market, with the National Home Value Index rising by 0.8%. This is a slight but significant improvement over July’s 0.7% increase, breaking a two-month cycle of slowing growth rates. Since hitting a low in February, the index has surged by nearly 5%, adding an impressive AUD 34,301 to the median home value.

Geographic Highlights

The recovery isn’t just limited to one or two cities; it’s a nationwide phenomenon. Almost all capital cities have seen an uptick in home values. Brisbane leads the charge with a 1.5% increase, followed by Sydney and Adelaide, both of which have seen a 1.1% rise. The only exception to this trend is Hobart, which recorded a slight dip of 0.1%.

The Complexity of Recovery

Tim Lawless, CoreLogic’s Research Director, points out that while the overall trend is optimistic, there are variances across different cities. Sydney has been the frontrunner in this recovery phase, boasting an 8.8% increase since January. Brisbane isn’t far behind, with a 6.2% rise since its lowest point in February.

Houses vs. Units: A Comparative Analysis

The data also reveals an interesting pattern: houses are recovering at a faster rate than units. In the combined capital cities, house values have risen by 6.3% since February, compared to a 4.9% increase in unit values.

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The Regional Perspective

When it comes to regional markets, the picture is a bit mixed. While some areas like regional Queensland and South Australia are experiencing growth, others like New South Wales and Victoria are seeing a decline. This could be attributed to various factors such as migration trends and overseas demand.


The Australian housing market is clearly on an upward trajectory, offering promising opportunities for investors and homebuyers alike. However, it’s essential to consider the nuanced trends across different cities and property types to make informed decisions.