Governmental Impact on Internal Migration Dynamics in Australia

⚡️ Highlights:

1. The Centre for Population within Australian Treasury has tasked the CIE with investigating government influences on internal migration in Australia.

2. Migration decisions are complex and influenced by a variety of factors such as economic, environmental, geographic, and social factors.

3. Government interventions can potentially influence migration outcomes by supporting job creation, providing services and infrastructure, promoting destinations, and implementing place-based initiatives.

4. Descriptive analysis suggests that economic factors play a dominant role in migration outcomes, with declining populations in remote areas and growth in coastal towns.

5. The effectiveness of government in driving migration outcomes is limited, as migration decisions are largely personal and influenced by a range of factors. Government efforts should focus on removing barriers to migration rather than directly driving outcomes.

The Australian Treasury’s Centre for Population has commissioned the Centre for International Economics (CIE) to conduct a thorough investigation into the extent of government influence on internal migration patterns within Australia.

Multifaceted Nature of Migration Decisions

Migration decisions are inherently multifaceted, being shaped by a confluence of economic, environmental, geographic, and social considerations. The intricate interplay of these factors makes the migration landscape complex and dynamic.

Governmental Role in Shaping Migration

Government interventions have the potential to sway migration outcomes through various channels. These include fostering employment opportunities, enhancing service provision and infrastructure, marketing specific regions, and initiating targeted, place-based policies.

Economic Factors as Primary Influences

Descriptive analyses have underscored the preeminence of economic factors in influencing migration trends. This is evident in the population decline of remote areas contrasted with the expansion of coastal towns, suggesting a correlation with economic vitality and lifestyle preferences.

Constraints on Governmental Efficacy

The capacity of government policies to dictate migration outcomes is inherently constrained. Given that migration decisions are predominantly personal and subject to a broad spectrum of influences, governmental strategies should pivot towards mitigating migration impediments rather than attempting to direct the outcomes.


The CIE’s investigation into government influences on internal migration in Australia reveals that while economic factors are paramount, the effectiveness of government intervention is limited. Therefore, policy efforts should be oriented towards facilitating migration by addressing barriers, rather than attempting to steer personal migration choices directly.

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