Townsville investment report

Property Investment Report of Townsville Queensland

Townsville, located in North Queensland, is a vibrant region known for its tropical climate and proximity to the Great Barrier Reef. It serves as a major gateway to the Queensland outback and has a rich history and diverse cultural heritage.

Capital Growth Potential

The property market in Townsville has shown promising signs of growth, with a steady increase in property values over the past few years. The potential for capital growth is supported by various factors such as infrastructure development, population growth, and economic stability.

The Townsville property market has been experiencing a resurgence in recent years, with a noticeable uptrend in property values. This growth is not merely a short-term phenomenon but appears to be part of a sustained trend that reflects the region’s underlying economic and demographic strengths.

Capital Growth Factors

Several factors contribute to Townsville’s capital growth potential:

  1. Infrastructure Development: Ongoing and planned infrastructure projects, including transportation improvements and new educational and healthcare facilities, are enhancing the region’s appeal. These developments are likely to drive demand for properties in the area, thereby supporting capital growth.
  2. Economic Diversification: Townsville’s economy is diversifying beyond traditional sectors like mining and agriculture. The growth of industries such as tourism, technology, and renewable energy is creating new employment opportunities and attracting a skilled workforce. This economic diversification is fostering a stable environment conducive to property investment.
  3. Population Growth: The steady influx of residents, drawn by employment prospects and lifestyle amenities, is increasing demand for housing. This population growth is expected to continue, further fueling the property market.
  4. Affordability: Compared to other major regions in Queensland, Townsville offers relatively affordable property options. This affordability, combined with the region’s growth prospects, is attracting both first-time buyers and seasoned investors.
  5. Government Initiatives: Various government incentives and support for first home buyers and investors are also playing a role in stimulating the property market.
  6. Tourism Appeal: Townsville’s proximity to natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef and Magnetic Island enhances its appeal as a tourist destination. The growth in tourism is likely to have a positive impact on the local economy and, by extension, the property market.

Townsville’s capital growth potential is underpinned by a combination of economic, demographic, and locational factors. The region’s strategic planning, diverse economy, and appealing lifestyle make it a compelling option for investors seeking long-term capital appreciation. The current market dynamics suggest that Townsville is well-positioned for continued growth, making it a viable investment destination for those aiming to build wealth through property.


As of the latest data, Townsville’s population is approximately 198,000 residents. The region has experienced consistent growth, attracting both young professionals and families.

The population of Townsville making it one of the most populous regions in North Queensland. The growth in population is not merely a statistical figure but a reflection of the region’s appeal to various demographic groups.

  1. Growth Trends: Over the past decade, Townsville has experienced consistent population growth, averaging around 1.5% annually. This growth rate is indicative of the region’s ability to attract new residents, both from other parts of Australia and internationally.
  2. Age Distribution: The population in Townsville is relatively young, with a median age of 35 years. The presence of universities and educational institutions contributes to a youthful demographic, while the lifestyle and amenities attract families and retirees alike.
  3. Migration Patterns: Townsville’s growth is fueled by both internal and external migration. The region attracts individuals and families seeking employment opportunities, quality education, and a balanced lifestyle. The local government’s initiatives to promote the area as a desirable place to live and work have also contributed to migration trends.
  4. Impact on Housing Market: The steady population growth has a direct impact on the housing market, driving demand for both rental and owner-occupied properties. This increased demand is a positive sign for investors, as it supports property values and rental yields.
  5. Future Projections: Based on current trends and planned developments in the region, the population of Townsville is expected to continue growing in the coming years. Strategic planning, economic diversification, and infrastructure investment are likely to sustain this growth, further enhancing the region’s appeal.
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The population dynamics in Townsville are a vital aspect of the region’s investment potential. The consistent growth, diverse age distribution, and positive migration patterns reflect a thriving community. Investors considering Townsville can take confidence in the region’s population trends, as they signify a robust and growing market with potential for sustained demand in the property sector. The population’s composition and growth trajectory al

Vacancy Rates

The vacancy rate in Townsville is around 2.5%, indicating a balanced property market. This rate reflects a healthy demand for rental properties.

The vacancy rate in Townsville is a critical indicator of the property market’s health and investment potential. This figure represents a balanced market, providing insights into several key aspects:

  1. Rental Demand: A vacancy rate of 2.5% suggests a healthy demand for rental properties. It indicates that there are enough tenants to fill available rental units, but not an oversupply that would drive down rental prices.
  2. Investor Opportunities: For property investors, the vacancy rate in Townsville offers a favorable environment. The balanced demand ensures that rental properties are likely to find tenants relatively quickly, providing a steady income stream.
  3. Market Trends: The vacancy rate has shown fluctuations over the past years, reflecting changes in economic conditions and housing supply. Monitoring these trends can provide valuable insights for investors looking to time their investments optimally.
  4. Impact of Economic Factors: Employment opportunities, population growth, and infrastructure development in Townsville have a direct impact on the vacancy rate. A low vacancy rate may signal a thriving local economy, attracting more residents and thereby increasing demand for rental properties.
  5. Comparison with Other Regions: Townsville’s vacancy rate compares favorably with other major regions in Queensland. This comparative analysis can be a valuable tool for investors weighing different investment locations.
  6. Future Projections: With ongoing development projects and economic growth, the vacancy rate in Townsville is expected to remain stable. Investors can consider this stability as a positive sign for long-term investment prospects.
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The vacancy rate in Townsville is more than just a percentage; it’s a multifaceted indicator of the property market’s dynamics. It offers insights into rental demand, investor opportunities, market trends, and economic health. A balanced vacancy rate like Townsville’s is often seen as a sign of a stable and mature market, making it an attractive option for investors seeking both rental income and capital growth. Understanding the factors that influence the vacancy rate, and keeping an eye on its trends, can guide investment decisions and contribute to a successful property investment strategy in

Owner Occupier Ratios

In Townsville, the ratio of properties occupied by owners versus renters is approximately 65:35. This ratio signifies a strong preference for home ownership in the region.


The demographics of Townsville include a mix of ages, with a median age of 35 years. The income levels are diverse, with a significant portion of the population employed in the services and industrial sectors.

The demographics of Townsville reflecting the region’s appeal to various population groups. Understanding these demographics is essential for investors, as it provides insights into the community’s composition and preferences.

  1. Age Distribution: Townsville’s population has a median age of 35 years, with a balanced mix of young professionals, families, and retirees. The presence of educational institutions attracts students, while the lifestyle amenities appeal to older residents.
  2. Income Levels: The income levels in Townsville vary, with a significant portion of the population employed in sectors such as healthcare, education, mining, and tourism. This diversity in income levels creates a varied housing market catering to different affordability ranges.
  3. Cultural Diversity: Townsville is home to a culturally diverse population, including Indigenous communities and immigrants from various countries. This cultural richness adds to the region’s vibrancy and attractiveness.
  4. Family Structure: The region has a mix of single individuals, couples, and families with children. This diversity in family structure influences housing preferences, with demand for different property types such as apartments, townhouses, and detached homes.
  5. Educational Attainment: Townsville’s population has a broad range of educational backgrounds, from high school graduates to those with tertiary qualifications. The presence of universities and vocational training centers contributes to this educational diversity.
  6. Occupational Profile: The occupational profile in Townsville includes a mix of professionals, tradespeople, service workers, and managers. This occupational diversity reflects the region’s varied economy and employment opportunities.

Estimated Resident Population (ERP)

Population Growth
  • ERP as of 30 June 2022: 198,577 persons
  • Average annual growth rate over five years: 0.6%
  • Average annual growth rate over ten years: 0.8%

Population by Age and Sex

Population by Age
  • 19.5% aged 0–14 years
  • 66.7% aged 15–64 years
  • 13.9% aged 65+ years

Median Age

  • Townsville (C) LGA: 35.9 years

Population Projections

  • Townsville (C) LGA: Projected to be 264,899 persons by 2046 (1.2% increase per year over 25 years)

Migration Patterns

Migration 1 Year Ago
• Townsville (C) LGA: 32,581 persons (or 17.1%) usually resided in a different address one year ago

Migration 5 Years Ago
• Townsville (C) LGA: 77,946 persons (or 42.9%) usually resided in a different address five years ago

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The demographics of Townsville are a complex tapestry that shapes the region’s property market. Investors can leverage this demographic information to identify suitable investment opportunities that align with the community’s needs and preferences. Whether targeting young professionals seeking urban apartments or families looking for suburban homes, understanding Townsville’s demographics provides valuable insights for informed investment decisions. The region’s demographic diversity, coupled with its economic and lifestyle attributes, contributes to its appeal as a desirable place to live and invest.


Townsville offers various employment opportunities in sectors such as healthcare, education, mining, and tourism. The region’s strategic location and growing economy contribute to its employment prospects.


The infrastructure in Townsville includes well-established schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and recreational facilities. Ongoing and planned infrastructure projects are expected to further enhance the region’s appeal.


Townsville is well-connected by public and private transportation options. The region is served by buses, trains, and ferries, and has a well-maintained road network.

Economic Profile

The local economy in Townsville is diverse, with significant contributions from industries such as mining, tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing. The region’s economic stability and growth prospects make it an attractive investment destination.

Income and Mortgages

  • Median total personal income: $864 per week
  • Median mortgage repayment: $1,517 per month
  • Average household size: 2.5 persons per dwelling


  • Unemployment rate: 2.0% (2,260 unemployed persons)

Top Industries of Employment (Townsville (C) LGA)

  1. Hospitals (6.7%)
  2. Preschool and School Education (6.6%)
  3. Food and Beverage Services (6.4%)
  4. Defence (5.6%)
  5. Construction Services (4.9%)
Employment Industries

Recreational Areas

Townsville boasts numerous parks, sports facilities, beaches, and cultural attractions. The region’s recreational options cater to a wide range of interests and provide a high quality of life for residents.

Overall Protected Area
  • Total Protected Area: 1,020.0 km² as of 2022
  • National Parks: The largest protected area type, covering 859.8 km²
Breakdown by Types
  • National Parks: 859.8 km²
  • State Forests: 160.3 km²

Few More Facts

Aged Care Services

  • 36 aged care services and 1,329 operational places as of 30 June 2022

Emergency Services, Schools, and Hospitals

  • 61 schools, 8 hospitals

Residential Properties

Median Rent and Sale Price

Median rent for a 3-bedroom house: $410 per week
Median sale price: $380,000

Building Approvals

New houses approved: 602 (Value: $330.8 million)

Business Counts

By Employment Size (As of 30 June 2022)

  • Total businesses: 12,486
  • 1–4 employees: 3,634 (29.1%)
  • Non-employing: 6,798 (54.4%)

By Turnover Range (As of 30 June 2022)

  • Businesses with a turnover range of $10 million or more: 160 (1.3%)

This report provides a detailed analysis of the Townsville region, highlighting its investment potential and suitability for various investor goals. The information presented is based on data from reputable Australian websites such as etc.

Investors considering Townsville can benefit from its growing economy, diverse demographics, and well-planned infrastructure. The region’s capital growth potential, coupled with its appealing lifestyle options, makes it a promising choice for those looking to minimize tax, accelerate mortgage payments, or plan for a comfortable retirement.